Schizkitty - Creative Digital Agency

Welcome to Ashley HM AKA Alisha's Website Site - 2024

Services / Contact

I provide a wide range of Multimedia Services and Assets

I am primaraly an image content creator, photography, 3D, 2D / illustration.

I have worked with:

  • Triple R (2024)
  • Joy (2022-2023)
  • Midsumma Festival (2021-2023)
  • Thorne Harbour Health (2021)

  • I have studied 9 years at University and have 2 degrees and 3 majors in Multimedia, Psychology and Professional Writing!

    My Specialist fields are..

  • Photography
  • 3D Modelling
  • Illustration
  • Multimedia
  • Sound Engineering
  • Website dev

    Contact me here

    Contact / Office Hours
    Monday - Friday: 10-4pm
    Saturday: 2-4pm
    Sunday: 2-4pm

    Schizkitty (My website)
    iTunes & Spotify - search my name.
    My You-tube videos
  • My Wildlife Photography

    Female Black Bird.

    Want industry leading design, with intuitive and responsive guidelines!
    Expert image Assets Developer

    I have over 20 years experience in the digital realm of software and computers.

    Schizkitty specialises in the development of 2D assests, Photography, 3D and Illustration. Multimedia Practitioner / Designer based in New York.[]

    View my Small Portfolio
    • Give us a call: +00 (123) 456 7890
    • Send us an
    • Monday - Friday: 10.00am - 4.00pm

      Saturday - Sunday: 2.00pm - 4.00pm
    • Come visit us: Directions to our location